Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I am from

I am from little orange biographies, Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and Rose Milk lotion.

I am from a split-level home on the hill, with strawberry wallpaper and avocado kitchen appliances. I am from the sheers blowing lightly in a hot August breeze against the back of an orange corduroy couch.

I am from crepe myrtles and azaleas bursting with blooms, from soft zoysia grass, or maybe St. Augustine. I am from the preserves made from a far-away fig tree.

I am from story-telling and blowing kisses after the blessing, from Kate and Katie and Terry and Chester and John and Elizabeth and Susan Elizabeth and MooMoo. I am from family first and integrity matters.

I am from long talks on the bed and sentimental collections in shadowboxes.

From "be sweet" and "you need a destination" and "I want you to know that I'm proud of you."

I am from Southern Baptist stock: Wednesday night suppers, the Living Christmas Tree, the first, second and last verse out of the hymnal--especially 475 on Sunday night--and the Funny Face Festival.

I'm from Dallas and East Texas and even a little bit from Arkansas; from strawberry bread and buttermilk chicken.

From the Last Great Family Vacation (parts I through VI), the fajita and the agony of eyedrops.

I am from the sunroom armoire, filled with picked-over photo albums (the best pictures long since harvested for one project or another) and almost-forgotten treasures that summon memories with a sudden cry of recognition. I am from a nest egg of memories: everyday moments sanctified simply by being shared.


I first read one of these poems here: http://owlhaven.wordpress.com/2006/04/21/i-am-from/
and if you are inclined to write your own--which I highly recommend, especially if you send me a copy-- you can find the format here: http://www.fragmentsfromfloyd.com/archives/2005_02.html#00314 (scroll down to the entry for February 25, 2005 for links to many poems and the entry for February 18, 2005 for the form.)


Sweet Peas Doula said...

Wendy, your writing is amazing, and I hope that you will share more of your "works".



PS: I can't tell you how lucky I feel to have someone like you in my family -- if I didn't know you, my path would never have crossed a Baptist, Southern lady, such as yourself. It's a pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I did one of these way back in the day when Owlhaven first ran this little writing project and posted mine here: http://www.northofthe49.com/blog/?p=98

Thanks so much for sharing yours. You did a wonderful job.

Susan said...

As always, beautifully done. I could easily see where I was from in what you wrote...but after I linked to the directions, I realized how vivid your descriptions were. If I followed that formula, it would probably sound like a Mad Lib. but then again, I come from Mad Libs.

Love you,